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Seneca The Younger


It is only luxury and avarice that make poverty grievous to us; for it is a very small matter that does our business, and when we have provided against cold, hunger, and thirst, all the rest is but vanity and excess.
– Seneca the Younger


You learn to know a pilot in a storm.
– Seneca the Younger


The intellect must not be kept at consistent tension, but diverted by pastimes…. The mind must have relaxation, and will rise stronger and keener after recreation.
– Seneca the Younger


Friendship always benefits; love sometimes injures.
– Seneca the Younger


He is ungrateful who denies that he has received a kindness which has been bestowed upon him; he is ungrateful who conceals it; he is ungrateful who makes no return for it; most ungrateful of all is he who forgets it.
– Seneca the Younger


The Fates guide those who go willingly. Those who do not, they drag.
– Seneca the Younger


Throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack.
– Seneca the Younger


Fate leads the willing, and drags along the reluctant.
– Seneca the Younger


Life without the courage to die is slavery.
– Seneca the Younger

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