It’s silly to try to escape other people’s faults. They are inescapable. Just try to escape your own.
– Marcus Aurelius
The important thing about a problem is not its solution, but the strength we gain in finding the solution.
-Seneca the Younger
Freedom and slavery, the one is the name of virtue, and the other of vice, and both are acts of the will.
– Epictetus
To live a life of virtue, you have to become consistent, even when it isn’t convenient, comfortable, or easy.
– Epictetus
You become what you give your attention to…If you yourself don’t choose what thoughts and images you expose yourself to, someone else will, and their motives may not be the highest.
– Epictetus
Don’t be concerned with other people’s impressions of you. They are dazzled and deluded by appearances. Stick with your purpose. This alone will strengthen your will and give your life coherence.
– Epictetus